Professional Transition Program (PTP) English Edition
Career Management Center
Program Contents Fees Agenda Testimonials
Program Contents Fees Agenda Testimonials
Professional Transition Program (PTP) English Edition
Career Management Center
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Alumni of previous on campus editions say:

This Professional Transition Program is a fantastic work guide to know how to efficiently face one of the most complicated professional situations you have to face, for which you are never prepared." 

"The course seemed very complete to me. In the structure, content, speakers own and external, personal and team exercises, panels ... It has helped me to reactivate the search process." MBA-95

"Thank you for the work done. The Professional Transition Program has helped me to generate work guidelines, to specify my value proposition and personal brand. Working as a team with people in the same situation has been a great support."  EMBA-19

"I have loved the Professional Transition Program. It is great for people who are in the process of change, it has helped me focus the search for my new professional project." MBA-07

"The Professional Transition Program has taught me a lot and given great support on this path in which one feels very alone in the search for a new professional project. The content and teamwork have been of great value. Thanks for the program, it has been fantastic." PDG-08

"The Professional Transition Program will teach you how to take advantage of the transition situation and turn crises into opportunities." PLD-11

"In this process, the Professional Transition Program has been a gift that has allowed me to rewrite my own personal and professional history. It has been a wonderful growth opportunity to focus the search successfully.PDD-11

"After the Professional Transition Program I know much better who I am, what I want to do, what I can contribute and how I can differentiate myself and be better than othersNow, I don't see it as a problem anymore, I see it as a great opportunity." PDG-07

"It really is a great gift that IESE has given us, showing great generosity and concern. The Professional Transition Program has helped me to face with clarity and energy the process of change." PDD-04