Thursday, September 14, 2023
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Masterclass with GMAT Expert
GMAT Buddy - 99th Percentile
Join us for a hands-on workshop where you'll practice the toughest questions in the Verbal and Quants section of the GMAT. GMAT Expert, Ayham Shakra will give you tips and tricks to help you master the exam. Thursday, September 14, 2:00 pm - 3:00pm (Barcelona Local Time)

AYHAM SHAKRA Ayham is the creator of Gmatbuddy, an online learning platform designed to help prospective MBA candidates prepare for the GMAT. He creates videos, learning tools and blogs to dispel myths about the GMAT and demystify the preparation process.
His approach is based on strengthening foundations in both quantitative and verbal, developing a thorough and consistent reasoning process, and building confidence for test day.
He has helped many people around the world overcome their performance plateaus and greatly improve their scores. Improving on the GMAT requires introspection to break inefficient reasoning habits and develop better ones. This is hard to achieve with a full life to manage. Ayham’s job is to help you do just that.
Contact Ayham: | +34 633 846 273 | |
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