Executive MBA Open Day
Caso: Tesla en la década del 2020
Executive MBA Open Day
Caso: Tesla en la década del 2020
Inscripciones no disponibles

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FECHA Y HORA Jueves, 07 de Noviembre, 2024
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
LUGAR Madrid Campus Camino del Cerro del Águila, 3, 28023, Madrid, ES

Las inscripciones para este evento ya han finalizado.

3 Reasons Why the Executive MBA Can Change Your Career Forever
# 1
Management Vision Discover how your decisions reverberate across different functional areas. Take a comprehensive view of leadership.
# 2
Expert Decision-Making Analyze more than 400 real-life cases. Gain the experience you need to face critical situations with con􀆭idence
# 3
Team Management Increase your ability to listen and understand different viewpoints and include them in your 􀆭inal decisions.


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