Alumni & Friends Event with Dean Franz Heukamp & Yasuyuki Higuchi
Events - Alumni
Alumni & Friends Event with Dean Franz Heukamp & Yasuyuki Higuchi
Events - Alumni
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DATE AND TIME Friday, January 17, 2025
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
LOCATION Toranomon Hills Forum Hall A-4 Toranomon Hills Mori Tower 5F, Toranomon, Tokyo, JP

We are excited to invite you to the upcoming IESE event in Tokyo - a special evening that will bring together IESE alumni, friends and business leaders from Japan and beyond. This is a unique opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and engage in thoughtful discussions in one of the world's most dynamic cities. 

As a thriving hub for innovation, technology and leadership, Tokyo provides the ideal backdrop for this event, which will highlight the power of the IESE community in shaping the future of business. 

We are honored to host Yasuyuki Higuchi, CEO of Panasonic Connect, as guest speaker. In conversation with Prof. Franz Heukamp (AMP-06), Dean of IESE Business School, Higuchi-san will share his insights on the evolving landscape of technology and business, drawing from his extensive experience as a leader in global organizations. 

With and impressive career that spans roles at Matsushita Electric Industrial (now Panasonic Holdings), Apple Computer Japan, Hewlett-Packard Japan, and Microsoft Japan, Mr. Higuchi brings a wealth of knowledge and leadership experience. Currently serving as President and CEO of Panasonic Connect, he is a visionary on technology and business innovation. 

What to expect

  • Engaging conversation. Gain valuable perspectives during an exclusive fireside chat with Higuchi-san and Prof. Heukamp, focusing on the challenges and opportunities redefining industries worldwide
  • Interactive Q&A. Share your questions and explore ideas with two prominent figures in the business and academic world
  • Strengthen connections. Reconnect with old classmates, meet fellow alumni, and expand your professional network within the IESE community in Japan


18:30h   Registration
19:00h   Opening remarks
19:20h  Fireside chat
20:30h  Cocktail reception

This event is more than a gathering - it's a celebration of the IESE spirit and an opportunity to stay connected with a vibrant global network of professionals. Whether you are looking to expand your horizons, share ideas, or simply enjoy an evening of meaningful connections.
We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!

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+243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi Arabia +966 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 Seychelles +248 Sierra Leone +232 Singapore +65 Sint Maarten +5999 Slovakia +421 Slovenia +386 Solomon Islands +677 Somalia +252 South Africa +27 South Georgia and the South Sandwich I. +500 South Korea +82 South Sudan +211 Spain +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svalbard and Jan Mayen + Swaziland +268 Sweden +46 Switzerland +41 Syria +963 Taiwan +886 Tajikistan +992 Tanzania +255 Thailand +66 Togo +228 Tokelau +690 Tonga +676 Trinidad and Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turkey +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks and Caicos Islands +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Uganda +256 Ukraine +380 United Arab Emirates +971 United Kingdom +44 United States +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands +1 Uruguay +598 US Virgin Islands +1-340 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Vatican City +39 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Wallis and Futuna +681 Western Sahara +212 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zimbabwe +263 Afghanistan +93 Aland Islands +2004 Albania +355 Algeria +213 American Samoa +684 Andorra +376 Angola +244 Anguilla +1-264 Antarctica +672 Antigua and Barbuda +1-268 Argentina +54 Armenia +374 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Azerbaijan +994 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrain +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belarus +375 Belgium +32 Belize +501 Benin +229 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bolivia +591 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba +599 Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Bouvet Island + Brazil +55 British Indian Ocean Territory +246 British Virgin Islands +1-284 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Burkina Faso +226 Burundi +257 Cambodia +855 Cameroon +237 Canada +1 Cape Verde +238 Cayman Islands +1 Central African Republic +236 Chad +235 Chile +56 China +86 Christmas Island +61-8 Cocos +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 Congo +242 Cook Islands +682 Costa Rica +506 Côte d'Ivoire +225 Croatia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +5999 Cyprus +357 Czech Republic +420 Democratic Republic of the Congo +243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi Arabia +966 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 Seychelles +248 Sierra Leone +232 Singapore +65 Sint Maarten +5999 Slovakia +421 Slovenia +386 Solomon Islands +677 Somalia +252 South Africa +27 South Georgia and the South Sandwich I. +500 South Korea +82 South Sudan +211 Spain +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svalbard and Jan Mayen + Swaziland +268 Sweden +46 Switzerland +41 Syria +963 Taiwan +886 Tajikistan +992 Tanzania +255 Thailand +66 Togo +228 Tokelau +690 Tonga +676 Trinidad and Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turkey +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks and Caicos Islands +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Uganda +256 Ukraine +380 United Arab Emirates +971 United Kingdom +44 United States +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands +1 Uruguay +598 US Virgin Islands +1-340 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Vatican City +39 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Wallis and Futuna +681 Western Sahara +212 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zimbabwe +263
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{$ $} {$ state[lang] $} Afghanistan +93 Aland Islands +2004 Albania +355 Algeria +213 American Samoa +684 Andorra +376 Angola +244 Anguilla +1-264 Antarctica +672 Antigua and Barbuda +1-268 Argentina +54 Armenia +374 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Azerbaijan +994 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrain +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belarus +375 Belgium +32 Belize +501 Benin +229 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bolivia +591 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba +599 Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Bouvet Island + Brazil +55 British Indian Ocean Territory +246 British Virgin Islands +1-284 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Burkina Faso +226 Burundi +257 Cambodia +855 Cameroon +237 Canada +1 Cape Verde +238 Cayman Islands +1 Central African Republic +236 Chad +235 Chile +56 China +86 Christmas Island +61-8 Cocos +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 Congo +242 Cook Islands +682 Costa Rica +506 Côte d'Ivoire +225 Croatia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +5999 Cyprus +357 Czech Republic +420 Democratic Republic of the Congo +243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi Arabia +966 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 Seychelles +248 Sierra Leone +232 Singapore +65 Sint Maarten +5999 Slovakia +421 Slovenia +386 Solomon Islands +677 Somalia +252 South Africa +27 South Georgia and the South Sandwich I. +500 South Korea +82 South Sudan +211 Spain +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svalbard and Jan Mayen + Swaziland +268 Sweden +46 Switzerland +41 Syria +963 Taiwan +886 Tajikistan +992 Tanzania +255 Thailand +66 Togo +228 Tokelau +690 Tonga +676 Trinidad and Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turkey +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks and Caicos Islands +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Uganda +256 Ukraine +380 United Arab Emirates +971 United Kingdom +44 United States +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands +1 Uruguay +598 US Virgin Islands +1-340 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Vatican City +39 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Wallis and Futuna +681 Western Sahara +212 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zimbabwe +263 Afghanistan +93 Aland Islands +2004 Albania +355 Algeria +213 American Samoa +684 Andorra +376 Angola +244 Anguilla +1-264 Antarctica +672 Antigua and Barbuda +1-268 Argentina +54 Armenia +374 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Azerbaijan +994 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrain +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belarus +375 Belgium +32 Belize +501 Benin +229 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bolivia +591 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba +599 Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Bouvet Island + Brazil +55 British Indian Ocean Territory +246 British Virgin Islands +1-284 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Burkina Faso +226 Burundi +257 Cambodia +855 Cameroon +237 Canada +1 Cape Verde +238 Cayman Islands +1 Central African Republic +236 Chad +235 Chile +56 China +86 Christmas Island +61-8 Cocos +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 Congo +242 Cook Islands +682 Costa Rica +506 Côte d'Ivoire +225 Croatia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +5999 Cyprus +357 Czech Republic +420 Democratic Republic of the Congo +243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi 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Afghanistan +93 Aland Islands +2004 Albania +355 Algeria +213 American Samoa +684 Andorra +376 Angola +244 Anguilla +1-264 Antarctica +672 Antigua and Barbuda +1-268 Argentina +54 Armenia +374 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Azerbaijan +994 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrain +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belarus +375 Belgium +32 Belize +501 Benin +229 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bolivia +591 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba +599 Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Bouvet Island + Brazil +55 British Indian Ocean Territory +246 British Virgin Islands +1-284 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Burkina Faso +226 Burundi +257 Cambodia +855 Cameroon +237 Canada +1 Cape Verde +238 Cayman Islands +1 Central African Republic +236 Chad +235 Chile +56 China +86 Christmas Island +61-8 Cocos +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 Congo +242 Cook Islands +682 Costa Rica +506 Côte d'Ivoire +225 Croatia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +5999 Cyprus +357 Czech Republic +420 Democratic Republic of the Congo +243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi Arabia +966 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 Seychelles +248 Sierra Leone +232 Singapore +65 Sint Maarten +5999 Slovakia +421 Slovenia +386 Solomon Islands +677 Somalia +252 South Africa +27 South Georgia and the South Sandwich I. +500 South Korea +82 South Sudan +211 Spain +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svalbard and Jan Mayen + Swaziland +268 Sweden +46 Switzerland +41 Syria +963 Taiwan +886 Tajikistan +992 Tanzania +255 Thailand +66 Togo +228 Tokelau +690 Tonga +676 Trinidad and Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turkey +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks and Caicos Islands +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Uganda +256 Ukraine +380 United Arab Emirates +971 United Kingdom +44 United States +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands +1 Uruguay +598 US Virgin Islands +1-340 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Vatican City +39 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Wallis and Futuna +681 Western Sahara +212 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zimbabwe +263
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{$ $} {$ state[lang] $} Afghanistan +93 Aland Islands +2004 Albania +355 Algeria +213 American Samoa +684 Andorra +376 Angola +244 Anguilla +1-264 Antarctica +672 Antigua and Barbuda +1-268 Argentina +54 Armenia +374 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Azerbaijan +994 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrain +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belarus +375 Belgium +32 Belize +501 Benin +229 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bolivia +591 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba +599 Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Bouvet Island + Brazil +55 British Indian Ocean Territory +246 British Virgin Islands +1-284 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Burkina Faso +226 Burundi +257 Cambodia +855 Cameroon +237 Canada +1 Cape Verde +238 Cayman Islands +1 Central African Republic +236 Chad +235 Chile +56 China +86 Christmas Island +61-8 Cocos +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 Congo +242 Cook Islands +682 Costa Rica +506 Côte d'Ivoire +225 Croatia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +5999 Cyprus +357 Czech Republic +420 Democratic Republic of the Congo +243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi Arabia +966 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 Seychelles +248 Sierra Leone +232 Singapore +65 Sint Maarten +5999 Slovakia +421 Slovenia +386 Solomon Islands +677 Somalia +252 South Africa +27 South Georgia and the South Sandwich I. +500 South Korea +82 South Sudan +211 Spain +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svalbard and Jan Mayen + Swaziland +268 Sweden +46 Switzerland +41 Syria +963 Taiwan +886 Tajikistan +992 Tanzania +255 Thailand +66 Togo +228 Tokelau +690 Tonga +676 Trinidad and Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turkey +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks and Caicos Islands +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Uganda +256 Ukraine +380 United Arab Emirates +971 United Kingdom +44 United States +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands +1 Uruguay +598 US Virgin Islands +1-340 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Vatican City +39 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Wallis and Futuna +681 Western Sahara +212 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zimbabwe +263 Afghanistan +93 Aland Islands +2004 Albania +355 Algeria +213 American Samoa +684 Andorra +376 Angola +244 Anguilla +1-264 Antarctica +672 Antigua and Barbuda +1-268 Argentina +54 Armenia +374 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Azerbaijan +994 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrain +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belarus +375 Belgium +32 Belize +501 Benin +229 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bolivia +591 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba +599 Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Bouvet Island + Brazil +55 British Indian Ocean Territory +246 British Virgin Islands +1-284 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Burkina Faso +226 Burundi +257 Cambodia +855 Cameroon +237 Canada +1 Cape Verde +238 Cayman Islands +1 Central African Republic +236 Chad +235 Chile +56 China +86 Christmas Island +61-8 Cocos +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 Congo +242 Cook Islands +682 Costa Rica +506 Côte d'Ivoire +225 Croatia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +5999 Cyprus +357 Czech Republic +420 Democratic Republic of the Congo +243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi Arabia +966 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 Seychelles +248 Sierra Leone +232 Singapore +65 Sint Maarten +5999 Slovakia +421 Slovenia +386 Solomon Islands +677 Somalia +252 South Africa +27 South Georgia and the South Sandwich I. +500 South Korea +82 South Sudan +211 Spain +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svalbard and Jan Mayen + Swaziland +268 Sweden +46 Switzerland +41 Syria +963 Taiwan +886 Tajikistan +992 Tanzania +255 Thailand +66 Togo +228 Tokelau +690 Tonga +676 Trinidad and Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turkey +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks and Caicos Islands +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Uganda +256 Ukraine +380 United Arab Emirates +971 United Kingdom +44 United States +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands +1 Uruguay +598 US Virgin Islands +1-340 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Vatican City +39 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Wallis and Futuna +681 Western Sahara +212 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zimbabwe +263
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+243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican Republic +1-809 East Timor +670 Ecuador +593 Egypt +20 El Salvador +503 Equatorial Guinea +240 Eritrea +291 Estonia +372 Ethiopia +251 Faeroe Islands +298 Falkland Islands +500 Fiji +679 Finland +358 France +33 French Guiana +594 French Polynesia +689 French Southern Territories + Gabon +241 Gambia +220 Georgia +995 Germany +49 Ghana +233 Gibraltar +9567 Greece +30 Greenland +299 Grenada +1-473 Guadeloupe +590 Guam +1-671 Guatemala +502 Guernsey +44 Guinea +224 Guinea-Bissau +245 Guyana +592 Haiti +509 Hear Islands and McDonald Islands + Honduras +504 Hong Kong, China +852 Hungary +36 Iceland +354 India +91 Indonesia +62 Iran +98 Iraq +964 Ireland +353 Isle of Man +44 Israel +972 Italy +39 Jamaica +1-876 Japan +81 Jersey +44 Jordan +962 Kazakhstan +7 Kenya +254 Kiribati +686 Kosovo +381 Kuwait +965 Kyrgyzstan +996 Laos +856 Latvia +371 Lebanon +961 Lesotho +266 Liberia +231 Libya +218 Liechtenstein +423 Lithuania +370 Luxembourg +352 Macau +853 Madagascar +261 Malawi +265 Malaysia +60 Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi Arabia +966 Senegal +221 Serbia +381 Seychelles +248 Sierra Leone +232 Singapore +65 Sint Maarten +5999 Slovakia +421 Slovenia +386 Solomon Islands +677 Somalia +252 South Africa +27 South Georgia and the South Sandwich I. +500 South Korea +82 South Sudan +211 Spain +34 Sri Lanka +94 Sudan +249 Suriname +597 Svalbard and Jan Mayen + Swaziland +268 Sweden +46 Switzerland +41 Syria +963 Taiwan +886 Tajikistan +992 Tanzania +255 Thailand +66 Togo +228 Tokelau +690 Tonga +676 Trinidad and Tobago +1-868 Tunisia +216 Turkey +90 Turkmenistan +993 Turks and Caicos Islands +1-649 Tuvalu +688 Uganda +256 Ukraine +380 United Arab Emirates +971 United Kingdom +44 United States +1 United States Minor Outlying Islands +1 Uruguay +598 US Virgin Islands +1-340 Uzbekistan +998 Vanuatu +678 Vatican City +39 Venezuela +58 Vietnam +84 Wallis and Futuna +681 Western Sahara +212 Yemen +967 Zambia +260 Zimbabwe +263 Afghanistan +93 Aland Islands +2004 Albania +355 Algeria +213 American Samoa +684 Andorra +376 Angola +244 Anguilla +1-264 Antarctica +672 Antigua and Barbuda +1-268 Argentina +54 Armenia +374 Aruba +297 Australia +61 Austria +43 Azerbaijan +994 Bahamas +1-242 Bahrain +973 Bangladesh +880 Barbados +1-246 Belarus +375 Belgium +32 Belize +501 Benin +229 Bermuda +1-441 Bhutan +975 Bolivia +591 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba +599 Bosnia-Herzegovina +387 Botswana +267 Bouvet Island + Brazil +55 British Indian Ocean Territory +246 British Virgin Islands +1-284 Brunei +673 Bulgaria +359 Burkina Faso +226 Burundi +257 Cambodia +855 Cameroon +237 Canada +1 Cape Verde +238 Cayman Islands +1 Central African Republic +236 Chad +235 Chile +56 China +86 Christmas Island +61-8 Cocos +61 Colombia +57 Comoros +269 Congo +242 Cook Islands +682 Costa Rica +506 Côte d'Ivoire +225 Croatia +385 Cuba +53 Curaçao +5999 Cyprus +357 Czech Republic +420 Democratic Republic of the Congo +243 Denmark +45 Djibouti +253 Dominica +1-767 Dominican 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Maldives +960 Mali +223 Malta +356 Marshall Islands +692 Martinique +596 Mauritania +222 Mauritius +230 Mayotte +269 Mexico +52 Micronesia +691 Moldova +373 Monaco +377 Mongolia +976 Montenegro +382 Montserrat +1-664 Morocco +212 Mozambique +258 Myanmar +95 Namibia +264 Nauru +674 Nepal +977 Netherlands +31 New Caledonia +687 New Zealand +64 Nicaragua +505 Niger +227 Nigeria +234 Niue +683 Norfolk Island +672 North Korea +850 Northern Marianas +1-670 Norway +47 Oman +968 Pakistan +92 Palau +680 Palestinian Territories +970 Panama +507 Papua New Guinea +675 Paraguay +595 Peru +51 Philippines +63 Pitcairn Islands +64 Poland +48 Portugal +351 Puerto Rico +1-787 Qatar +974 Republic of North Macedonia +389 Reunion +262 Romania +40 Russia +7 Rwanda +250 Saint Barthélemy +590 Saint Helena +290 Saint Kitts and Nevis +1-869 Saint Lucia +1-758 Saint Martin +1-599 Saint Pierre and Miquelon +508 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +1-784 Samoa +685 San Marino +378 Sao Tomé and Principe +239 Saudi 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Ponente Franz Heukamp AD006 Professor Franz Heukamp was appointed Dean of IESE Business School in September 2016. Previously, he held the positions of Associate Dean for MBA Programs and Secretary General of IESE. Prof. Heukamp teaches Managerial Decision Sciences and has a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His teaching specialties are decision analysis and forecasting methods. Prof. Heukamp teaches in the MBA, Executive-MBA and other executive education programs of IESE including the Advanced Management Program directed at senior business leaders. His main area of research is behavioral decision-making with a special interest in the area of Neuroeconomics. He is a member of The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences and the Neuroeconomics Society.
Ponente Yasuyuki Higuchi

Mr. Yasu Higuchi has had a distinguished career in the technology and business sectors. He began his professional journey at Matsushita Electric Industrial (now Panasonic Holdings) in 1980. His career includes significant roles at Boston Consulting Group, Apple Computer Japan, and Compaq Computer Corporation. He served as President of Hewlett-Packard Japan and held leadership positions at The Daiei, and Microsoft Japan, where he eventually became Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Corporation. In 2017, he rejoined Panasonic, currently serving as President and CEO of Panasonic Connect. Mr. Higuchi holds an engineering degree from Osaka University and an MBA from Harvard University.
